Sunday, April 10, 2016

The Summoning - Chapter 6

The Summoning (working title)
Chapter Six

      The morning dragged for Erick, and even though he and Ryan rode side by side, neither talked to the other. Shortly after they started out, Shayla and a couple others left the group to ride on ahead. The Nahuils traveling with the boys remained silent.
      The scenery took on a welcome change as they finally cleared the forest and traveled over a broad meadow. The sun shone down unobstructed and felt good after countless hours in the chilly shade. A light breeze played in Erick’s hair and caused the tall grasses to bend and sway in rhythmic waves. The course they were on followed the wide river they discovered a couple days ago.
      After a time the forest fell far behind, and the meadow appeared to drop away suddenly. Erick and Ryan watched the lead riders disappear over the edge and soon found themselves perched high above a long narrow valley. They looked down onto a large settlement stretched out along the valley floor. Hundreds of small buildings stood amidst orchards and gardens. In the heart of the valley rose a large stone building that looked like a fortress. Square in shape, with towers at each corner, it had a functional rather than ornate look. Rising nearly four stories, the keep dwarfed every nearby building.
      A series of long undulating switchbacks led the descent into the valley. Soon they were able to make out details of the buildings closest to them. The dwellings all seemed to be made of stone with split shingle roofs having a central hole. Tendrils of smoke curled from most of the holes, rising in the calm air. Gardens surrounded each home along with pens containing strange goat-like creatures with long hair. The scent of blossoms and fruit from the nearby orchards, and the chattering of birds filled the air.
      Erick remembered descriptions of Copper Age and Bronze Age European villages from his history classes. This setting reminded him of those villages, but it was so vivid now. Riding through the village, he watched the Nahuil going about their daily lives. Simple, but laborious, tasks of gardening, tending the animals, laundry, and splitting wood brought the setting to life. The shrill laugh of children playing with each other amongst the dwellings brought on a small smile.
      As they passed, the Nahuil glanced up from their tasks. They stared at the boys, and Erick guessed that, as new as this scene was to him, he was just as new and strange to them. Reactions were mixed. Some of the looks came off as friendly and welcoming, others were not. Erick felt like he was on a parade float passing by a crowd. A crazy urge to wave to the onlookers went through his mind, but after a time he just stared straight ahead.
      Farther into the settlement, the buildings grew larger and closer together. By the clanging, banging, and rasping sounds emanating from within, Erick could tell these places were the sites of skilled labor, although he couldn’t see what was being made. At the end of this road, the keep loomed ahead.
      They stopped in front of the main entrance and he and Ryan dismounted with two other Nahuil. They followed their escorts through the massive gate and into a cavernous square entryway. Directly in front of them loomed another set of large doors that were closed. Off to the left and right, two immense stairways led to the second floor of the keep.
      Erick and Ryan were guided up the wide stone staircase on their left. They followed a long corridor lined with numerous heavy hewn doors, the only light provided by numerous candles set into wall sconces on the stone walls. The hazy air smelled of wax and smoke, like too many birthday candles snuffed out. A coolness seeped from the stones and crept over Erick. His perspiration from the warmth of the ride, chilled him and made him shiver. They came to a stop in front of one of the last doors, which their escort opened soundlessly.
      Erick wasn’t sure what he expected, but felt a sense of relief when the door swung inward, revealing a brightly lit room arranged like a suite.
      “This will be your room while you are staying with us,” the Nahuil informed them as he ushered them in.
      Erick and Ryan entered and studied the layout. On the end to their right, a bench-like couch stood against the far wall and a couple of chairs faced it. A low rectangular table stretched between and small side tables sidled up against each chair. All the furniture was made of hand-crafted wood, but not upholstered. There were, however, many brightly colored cushions to provide varying degrees of comfort. Hanging above the seating area, a wrought iron chandelier supported at least a dozen candles.
      On the long wall opposite the door were two large diamond-paned windows. Measuring nearly six feet across and rising from the floor to the fifteen foot high beamed ceiling, they flooded the room with daylight and offered views of the settlement and the lands beyond.
      To the left, placed against the wall, were two matching beds with thick stuffed sack-like mattresses and many brightly colored pillows and blankets, giving an overall appearance of comfort. A small table divided the space between the beds, and off to the sides Erick noticed small matching doors.
      “Through those doors …” Their escort indicated the small ones next to the beds. “You’ll find all the necessary items with which to bathe. On the beds, you’ll find a set of clean clothes to wear. There is time to rest before you are summoned to dinner. If you require anything, knock on the door and we’ll assist you.” He then turned and walked out the door, shutting it behind him. They both heard a barely audible click.
      Ryan walked over to the door and quietly tried the latch. It was locked. “I guess we’re guests with no option of leaving.” He tilted his head back, rolling it side to side, stretching his neck. “Cleaning up and a nap actually sounds pretty good.” He seemed resigned to their situation.
      Erick nodded in agreement, noting how Ryan’s slack posture and the dark circles under his eyes betrayed his carefully controlled features.
      They each headed into their respective bathrooms, taking the clean sets of clothes with them. The small room had a table with a wash basin and a basket that held towels, combs, and a brush. Off to the side a large round stone tub was filled with water.
      Erick walked over to the tub, dipped his hand in, and found the water extremely warm. He closed the door and stripped off his grimy clothes, leaving them in a pile on the stone floor. There was no mirror in the room, but based on his clothes, he could imagine what the rest of him looked like.
      Sitting on the wide edge of the tub, he swung his legs over into the water. He lowered himself in with a sigh and sank until he was submerged to his ears. He took a deep breath, slid under the water, waited until his air ran out, then resurfaced.
      He wiped the water out of his eyes and saw a small stone dish on the far edge of the tub filled with a creamy pale pink substance. Dipping his fingers in, he scooped up a small amount and brought the thick gel to his nose. The fragrance being mildly floral and the feel led him to believe this was soap.
      He scrubbed himself and his hair with the pink cream, then settled in to soak, letting the tension of the past two days leach out of his body and into the warm water. After awhile he caught himself dozing and decided to get out. He dried himself and examined the clothes the Nahuil had provided.
      The outfit consisted of plain pants and a shirt in a deep blue. He slipped on the loose fitting pants and found a strip of fabric along the waist, allowing him to cinch them as tight as he needed. He held up the shirt and saw it was long with large sleeves and v-necked. Erick refolded the shirt, and stepped out into the main room.
      Ryan was on the far bed, lying on his stomach, his damp dark hair obscuring his face as he slept. Something caught the light from the window and glinted between the wet strands of hair.
      Not wanting to disturb him, but curious to know what it was, Erick crawled quietly across his bed and leaned forward to get a better view. It was a large diamond stud in his ear.
      Erick had no doubt it was a diamond. Ryan didn’t seem the cubic zirconium type, yet by the size of it, Erick knew it had cost a lot of money. Money a foster kid wouldn’t have.
      Another thing puzzling him was why a diamond? It wasn’t the type of ear piece guys wore. It was, well, kind of girlie. But, then again, Ryan could dress all in pink and no one would call him on it.
      Erick got under the soft covers, and the comfort was beyond words after sleeping on the ground the last few days. Curling up on his side, Erick drew the blanket up to his chin. Despite the strangeness of everything, he felt warm and safe.
      He found his thoughts drifting back to the diamond and sleepily chalked it up to another piece to add to the Ryan mystery.

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