Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Summoning - Chapter One

    This is a YA fantasy novel I started six years ago.  Because it was my first attempt at writing anything, there have been issues I've had to deal with.  I decided to start posting it on my blog as a serial for a couple reasons: one - it will give me an opportunity to start working through the issues, and two - hopefully I will gain feedback from readers.  I plan on posting chapters every other week.  So, here it is!

The Summoning (working title)
Chapter One
      Thomas plunked himself onto the cafeteria bench. “I’m so going to get my ass kicked.”
      Erick barely looked up from his sandwich at the announcement. Thomas was prone to creating drama out of nothing, but as his friend, Erick felt obliged to show interest. “How come? Did you fail your bio test?”
      “Worse than that.” Thomas fingered the plastic bag holding his sandwich while his eyes darted around the crowded cafeteria as if looking for someone. Seemingly satisfied by what he saw or didn’t see as the case may be, he looked back to Erick. “I wrote down all the wrong answers and Ryan copied them. He’s going to get an F.”
      Erick shrugged. “So you both get Fs. Big deal. Maybe he’ll find someone else to start cheating off of.”
      “You don’t get it.” Thomas shifted on the bench, his eyes focused on his hands. “I changed all my answers to the right ones while he was turning in his test.”
      Erick paused, sandwich halfway to his mouth. “What?” he finally said because he must've misheard. There was no way anyone would intentionally cross Ryan. But the look on Thomas’s face told him otherwise. Erick briefly closed his eyes while setting his sandwich down. “Why?”
      Thomas scowled in response to the reproving tone. “I don’t know.” His words tumbled out. “I study for those tests, and Ryan thinks he has the right to use my answers. It’s crap.”
      His shoulders slumped as he tossed his sandwich back into its paper sack. “School has really sucked since October. Figures he’d be put in half of my classes. Wish I was smarter and in the geek classes with you.”
      Erick bristled. He knew he shouldn’t be so sensitive, but minus the glasses, he thought he made a pretty good poster-child of the stereotype; book smart, but not so good at normal stuff like sports, socializing, and, well, girls. “Honors classes. They’re called honors classes.”
      “Yeah, yeah, honors, whatever.” Thomas brushed off Erick’s comment. “What do I do?”
      The desperation in Thomas’s voice smoothed down Erick’s hackles. Thomas wasn’t this good of an actor, and had really stepped into a pile this time.
      Blowing out a breath, Erick ran his hand through his hair. “When does the test usually get graded?”
      “Mr. Konig usually has the grading done the next day.”
      “Try to stay around as many people as you can tomorrow and Friday. I’ll meet you at the front gate right after school to walk home. Don’t let yourself be alone for any length of time.”
      “That might work.” Thomas gave Erick a weak smile. “Maybe by Monday Ryan will forget.” Thomas crumpled the brown bag containing his uneaten lunch. “Maybe getting beaten up won’t hurt much. Hell, it might even be worth it to get his sorry ass expelled.”
      “It’ll be okay,” Erick said, even though he had his doubts.
      With his backpack slung over his shoulder and gripping the strap, Erick hurried through the deserted hallway to get to the main doors. He was late getting out of class and knew Thomas would be waiting. They’d walked home together every afternoon since fifth grade.
      Erick gave his head a shake, trying to make some sense of what happened earlier. He’d often long for something to happen to liven up the day to day routine that summed up his life, but this was so not the way to do it. Of all the people Thomas could piss off, he would pick Ryan Warner. Everyone knew him. From day one his name swiftly filtered through the student body. Erick had no classes with Ryan, but that didn’t stop him from hearing the stories.
      It wasn’t the pseudo anonymous attention grabbing pranks, like letting off a smoke bomb during a homecoming rally, or stopping up toilets to flood the bathroom that had students laughing in the halls. Incidents linked to Ryan were personal and usually involved pain.
      Did you hear? Derek needed stitches in his head after making a crack about Ryan Warner’s hair. Kevin missed two weeks of practice because his shoulder got wrenched after taking a swipe at Ryan. Cameron got an elbow rammed in his gut just for stepping on the back of his shoe. Mess with Ryan Warner and you’ll get hurt.
      Ryan was easy enough to recognize on campus and, even though Erick assumed him to be sixteen as well, hormones had obviously been unfairly kind. He was big enough to be a starting running back on the high school football team, and earn all the jock fame and cheerleader entourage to go with it.
      This wasn’t the case and certainly wasn’t the reason Erick took notice of him; there were a lot of big guys wandering the halls, after all. It was Ryan’s self-assuredness, an unwavering confidence that elevated the gossipy rumors to a divine truth. The common knowledge held by everyone that Ryan was somebody to avoid was a fame all of its own, but earned none the less.
      Erick was sailing by a restroom when a familiar voice stopped him cold.
      “No, man, I wasn’t setting you up.”
      Erick pushed open the restroom door to see Thomas backed against the wall with Ryan towering over him. Large hands placed on either side of Thomas’s shoulders formed an inescapable cage around the smaller boy.
      “Then why’d I get an F and you got a B?” Ryan leaned forward bringing himself closer to Thomas. “It looked like you were changing answers, so I talked with Mr. Konig at lunch. He showed me the tests after I gave him a bullshit story about not feeling well today and how you’d helped me study.” Ryan paused, dropping his voice. “Good news — he’s giving me an extra credit assignment. Bad news — I found out what you did.”
      While this exchange went on, Erick felt the temptation licking at his nerves to take a step back and let the door close. It would be easy. He hadn’t been seen and no one would know.
      Did you hear? Thomas had his head stuffed into a toilet because … Erick Porter was there, but the coward just … Mess with Ryan Warner, you …
      Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Erick tried to silence each thought as he crept into the restroom. He slowly shrugged off his backpack and let it come to rest silently on the floor. He didn’t know what he would do, but found the school wide conflict resolution policy sorely lacking in real world application right about now. Although he seriously wasn’t considering jumping Ryan, a distraction could be the compromise needed to buy Thomas enough time to escape.
      Erick spotted two backpacks lying on the dingy linoleum floor. He recognized Thomas’s navy pack, so the black one must be Ryan’s. He scanned the backpack and noticed something electronic visible through a mesh pocket. An iPod. He took a couple of steps and reached forward with a trembling hand. You’re being a complete idiot, he thought as his fingers closed on the thin rectangle and wrenched it free.
      “Now I’ve got to figure out what to do with you.” Ryan seemed to take pleasure in his cat and mouse taunting of Thomas.
      “I … I won’t do it again.”
      “Oh, I know you won’t after I’m done.” Ryan’s hands shifted to grab two fistfuls of Thomas’s shirt. He whirled him around only to stop short when he saw Erick.
      Erick stood at the outside corner of the bathroom stall closest to the door. His right arm extended behind him at an odd angle so he wouldn’t be trapped in the stall. The iPod dangled above the toilet.
      “Let him go.” Erick wanted the words to have some bite, but found his mouth dry, leaving his tongue thick and hard to maneuver.
      Ryan’s eyes narrowed as they darted between Erick and his iPod. “This is none of your business.” His hands unclenched slightly on Thomas’s shirt, giving Erick a sign that somehow this would work.
      “He’s my friend, so I guess it is my business.”
      “You really don’t want to mess with me, so put that back where you found it and get the hell out of here.”
      “I’m not messing with you. Just let Thomas go." Erick thought it came out more like a plea than a threat.
      “You got it,” Ryan said, but the tone was far from conciliatory. He let go of Thomas’s shirt, then gave him a quick shove that sent him landing on his ass. Ryan’s eyes locked with Erick’s. “It’s you and me now.”
      Erick stared back while his heart pounded in his ears. This was not going the way he’d envisioned only seconds before.
      Thomas turned over and scrambled to get himself off the floor. In his haste, his shoes couldn’t get a grip on the worn linoleum.
      Ryan took a step toward Erick just as Thomas’s foot shot out from under him, right into Ryan’s path, causing him to stumble forward.
      Erick jerked back to avoid the impact, but felt a sharp pain in his right shoulder as his movement was stopped by the stall partition wall. The pain caused his fingers to relax enough for the iPod to slip through and make a dull plop as it hit the water.
      One long second passed for Erick to see his empty hand, then instinct took over. He swore as he darted over Ryan’s sprawled form, wrenched open the restroom door, and ran. Clearing the door, he could hear Ryan scrambling up, cursing.
      Erick sprinted down the empty corridor and slowed only enough to round the corner bringing him to the main doors. Running full speed, he banged against the doors, pushing them out of his way, and launched himself into the warm spring air. He never broke stride as he darted through the large metal gates and past the staring students still waiting for rides.
      If he was thinking clearly, he would have gone into the safety of the office. His only thought was to run. He crossed the street, barely casting a look for oncoming cars, fleeing into the weed-strewn vacant lot across from the school. Erick’s eyes zeroed in on the small stand of trees beyond the edge of the lot, the last vestiges of a natural landscape overtaken by suburban sprawl, and like himself, living on borrowed time.
      He ran toward the trees. If he could just make it to them, he’d be okay.
      The foolish thought was extinguished when he heard the crunch of feet behind him. The fast-paced footfalls grew louder.
      A masochistic curiosity drew Erick’s eyes over his shoulder. He saw Ryan swiftly closing the distance between them.
      Erick’s chest burned, and blood pounded in his head as he willed himself to go faster. The effort was futile. Ryan wasn’t going to give up.
      He pumped his arms harder. The edge of the wood came nearer.
      Just inside the line of trees a small area shimmered in the dappled shade, like heat waves coming off blacktop in summer. Erick felt drawn to the gentle distortion that beckoned to him as if it could protect him from the mess he created. He ran toward it.
      Panic grew as his strength waned, and he now could hear Ryan’s heavy breathing. He stumbled only a few yards into the quiet woods, and the strange haze engulfed him. Suddenly, he felt the hard clap of a hand coming down like a manacle on his left shoulder. Erick’s knees buckled, then he was falling.

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